Modern Cockpits. Young Talents.
The science of digital recruitment.
Revolutionizing recruitment for small and medium flight operations:
Tailored process in compliance with
Why are we magenta? As cockpit design and task management have evolved significantly in recent decades, it was essential to question whether our pilot assessment methods have kept pace. The term “Automation Dependency”, coined by Capt. Warren Vanderburgh, who also introduced the idea of the “Children of the Magenta Line”, signifies the need for pilots to seamlessly transition from flight automation to manual control when surrounded by advanced technology. With changing cockpit dynamics, our assessments must address the challenges brought by increasing flight automation.
Why are we magenta? As cockpit design and task management have evolved significantly in recent decades, it was essential to question whether our pilot assessment methods have kept pace. The term “Automation Dependency”, coined by Capt. Warren Vanderburgh, who also introduced the idea of the “Children of the Magenta Line”, signifies the need for pilots to seamlessly transition from flight automation to manual control when surrounded by advanced technology. With changing cockpit dynamics, our assessments must address the challenges brought by increasing flight automation.
CR (EU) 965/2012 AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175(b)
a) The psychological assessment should be:
1. Appropriate to the particularity, the complexity and the challenges of the operational environment that the flight crew is likely to be exposed to, as defined by a job analysis identifying the safety-critical dimensions related to the flight crew’s function and role within the operator and should include at least the following assessment criteria:
Why are we magenta? As cockpit design and task management have evolved significantly in recent decades, it was essential to question whether our pilot assessment methods have kept pace. The term “Automation Dependency”, coined by Capt. Warren Vanderburgh, who also introduced the idea of the “Children of the Magenta Line”, signifies the need for pilots to seamlessly transition from flight automation to manual control when surrounded by advanced technology. With changing cockpit dynamics, our assessments must address the challenges brought by increasing flight automation.
2. validated and either directly performed or overseen by a psychologist with acquired knowledge in aviation relevant to the flight crew’s operating environment and with expertise in psychological assessment, and where possible, the psychological selection of aviation personnel; and
3. undertaken at least within the past 24 months before commencing line flying, unless the operator can demonstrate that the psychological assessment undertaken more than 24 months ago is still adequate for the risk mitigation as required by ORO.GEN.200(a)(3). Such a demonstration should be based on the tests previously performed, an updated risk assessment based on data gathered from previous operational experience and continuous human performance monitoring since the last psychological assessment.
(b) As regards the psychological assessment, the following should be documented:
- the procedures followed;
- the personnel involved;
- the assessment criteria and instruments used in the assessment; and
- the validity period.
Find more information in the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Annex IV Commercial air transport operations [Part-CAT].
Experience the ultimate advantage in online flight crew aptitude testing with our web-based virtual testing system, expertly designed to maximize benefits.
Our assessment process is designed by certified aviation psychologists. We ensure 100% compliance with EASA requirements. The entire modular concept benefits from the expertise of seasoned professionals with over 30 years of experience in flight crew diagnostics and recruitment for leading European Airlines. They delve into a variety of aspects, including psychological and personality evaluations, to ensure the pilot is a fitting match for each particular operator. Our aim is to build long term relations between flight crews and operators, ensuring safety, efficiency and optimum alignment with the corporate culture of the operator.
Our assessment process is designed by certified aviation psychologists. We ensure 100% compliance with EASA requirements. The entire modular concept benefits from the expertise of seasoned professionals with over 30 years of experience in flight crew diagnostics and recruitment for leading European Airlines. They delve into a variety of aspects, including psychological and personality evaluations, to ensure the pilot is a fitting match for each particular operator. Our aim is to build long term relations between flight crews and operators, ensuring safety, efficiency and optimum alignment with the corporate culture of the operator.

Our computer based diagnostic applications focus only on those cognitive skills that are relevant for modern glass cockpit and fly-by-wire technology. Candidates will be challenged in all areas of basic mental abilities as suggested by IATA, such as
- memory capacity
- speed and accuracy of information processing
- spacial abilities (static)
- technical comprehension
- reasoning (information processing with basic figures)
- logic abilities
- long term concentration
All abilities are graded and documented according to the IATA grading scale. Muti-tasking and CRM abilities will also be part of the assessment process design.
For the personal profiling of our candidates we trust on best industry standards and integrate the NEO-PI-R psychometric instrument into our assessment toolkit. Test scores will be validated during a personal interview. Our virtual interview design is constantly being developed by aviation psychologists with more than 30 years experience in the industry. Our unconventional approach is focused on critical personality traits and values, including a motivational root cause analysis, expected loyalty towards the future employer and the willingness to adapt to operational changes in a flexible manner. Join the applicant interviews (online or offline), listen into selected applicant recordings in our database and recruit only those applicants that really match your corporate culture.
Our testing concept confronts the applicant with relevant (and only relevant) questionnaires with focus on principles of safety, technical understanding and operational excellence. Our test scores will correlate the nominal experience (e.g. flight hours, work experience, function) of each applicant with the ability to effectively apply and develop relevant knowledge and skills in every day flight operations. For the assessment of “composite mental abilities” and “operational abilities” we recommend the integration of a simulator screening module. MyCockpit supports operators in the planning, design and conduct of such assessment events on site.
INTERVIEW - social competences and CRM principles
In a separate assessment module, additional focus is directed towards “social-interpersonal abilities” (Crew Ressource Management). We usually pair an experienced recruitment captain, a certified aviation psychologist and representatives from the operator if desired. During the interview, all gathered data will be verified and validated and the candidate will be challenged in different scenarios that require operational decisions and practical reasoning. A virtual group assessment is currently under development. Conventional group assessment days with in-person attendance are optional if desired by the operator.
Digital transformation has changed the way we operate our aircraft.
Should we not also change the way we recruit our pilots?
Explore the benefits of our digital recruitment platform!
Experience a significant reduction in recruitment and assessment costs by joining our web-based assessment concept.
Our online platform is a testament to state-of-the-art technology in recruitment. It provides a secure environment for pilot assessments, with robust user identification procedures, encrypted data recording and storage, and advanced online proctoring techniques. We prioritize maintaining absolute security and confidentiality throughout all stages of the assessment.
Given the transformative impact of digitalization on aviation and cockpit operations, it is essential to adjust our pilot recruitment process to capitalize on our online platform’s advantages. Our assessment toolbox is designed in line with regulation CR(EU) 965/2012 AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175(b). It merges technology and psychology to create a thorough analysis of a pilot’s personal profile. This way we match talents and cockpits for optimum fit during the course of each individual aviation career.
Given the transformative impact of digitalization on aviation and cockpit operations, it is essential to adjust our pilot recruitment process to capitalize on our online platform’s advantages. Our assessment toolbox is designed in line with regulation CR(EU) 965/2012 AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175(b). It merges technology and psychology to create a thorough analysis of a pilot’s personal profile. This way we match talents and cockpits for optimum fit during the course of each individual aviation career.
In accordance with EASA regulations, we manage all record-keeping and documentation related to pilot recruitment. Your files are securely stored on our servers located in the Federal Republic of Germany. You can easily access all your pertinent recruitment data, including job procedures, personnel involved, assessment criteria and tools utilized, validity periods and much more. We strictly adhere to top industry practices, ensuring that your recruitment, cockpit crew profiles, and aviation career data storage meet the guidelines set by your civil aviation authority.
Our fully digital pilot recruitment platform reduces your company’s expenses by eliminating costs associated with travel, accommodation, infrastructure and other expenses that are associated with conventional in-person job assessments.
Fees are only charged for assessments that are really conducted, independent of the hiring decision made by the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holder. This approach guarantees transparency throughout the process with no hidden costs. We ensure an effective and economical recruitment concept for cockpit personnel, complying fully with EU regulations, and enhancing your aviation career pathways.
We prioritize flexibility in our recruitment process, adapting our assessments to suit the unique needs of your aviation operations. This will expedite the recruitment process for your cockpit crew.
Our online platform enables pilot candidates to undertake the selection process from any location, significantly diminishing time constraints and travel costs. This approach enhances the efficiency of the job selection, while maintaining rigorous EASA standards and providing a comprehensive view of the candidate’s career aptitude and personality profile.
Our detailed assessment reports provide invaluable insights into a candidate’s personality and abilities. This opportunity allows to evaluate a candidate’s compatibility with your crew philosophy and company culture, ensuring a long term fit for the job fit while adhering to industry best practice and EASA’s recruitment standards.
Our digital recruitment procedure guarantees a secure and effective remote assessment process. We incorporate online proctoring to uphold the integrity of the examination, ensuring a fair appraisal of a pilot candidate’s knowledge and skills. This approach aligns with EASA’s rigorous standards, aiding in the selection of the most suitable personnel for your cockpit crew and enhancing the efficiency of your aviation career recruitment pipeline.
Our platform is accessible through a web browser, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of computers and devices.
Technical requirements:
- Standard office/home PC (Windows 7/8/10) using Google Chrome (version 72 or later) or the latest Microsoft Edge browser.
- Recent MacOS-based computer using Safari or Google Chrome.
- Recent iPad or Android tablet with Google Chrome or Apple Safari browser
A stable internet connection with a minimum of 1Mbps download and upload speed is necessary, without limiting proxy/filtering/traffic-shaping restrictions.
We close the gap between complex and costly assessment processes and the minimum requirements for regulatory compliance.
Only what you really need – our Recruitment Value Chain will be tailored to your demand
Our approach adopts a modular design for pilot recruitment and assessment. Before initiating any activity, we identify the specific setup and needs of our clients, working together to establish a process that respects the unique characteristics of every aviation operation and demand.
Operators have the flexibility to select individual elements from our assessment toolkit or entrust the entire recruitment process to our experienced team. Whether it’s assessing the psychology profile of a candidate or managing their online recruitment journey, our offerings are adaptable to suit your cockpit crew needs, all the while maintaining compliance with EASA regulations
Applicant registration: applicants may apply to job offers, register online and securely upload all relevant recruitment documents to our encrypted document server.
Document Screening (optional): MyCockpit recruitment experts screen all uploaded data and documents and preselect applicants that match the requirements of the operator and the intended flight operation
Experience a streamlined online testing process in a controlled virtual environment. We prioritize cognitive dimensions essential for modern cockpit technology. Our integration of the esteemed NEO-PI-R psychometric instrument ensures top-notch psychometric profiling. Assessing operational knowledge through practical scenarios, we evaluate candidates' effective application of safety-related expertise. Our crew resource management component replicates interpersonal challenges and communication tasks in a virtual setting.
To complement our assessments, our certified aviation psychologists conduct or oversee tailored candidate interviews. These interviews delve into areas such as assertiveness, conflict management, leadership abilities, lifetime values, social competencies, and loyalty towards the employer. Additionally, our language proficiency examiners diligently assess English language proficiency in accordance with the ICAO guidelines.
Synopsis and Evaluation - Aviation Psychologists review and evaluate all data collected during the process and create a 360 degree characteristic report about the psychometric profile of the candidate.
Together with the operator we will review all collected candidate data and come to a final conclusion about the optimum fit for the vacancies of an individual operator. Additionally, if necessary, we provide you with recommendations on what areas of concern you would focus on during a Simulator screening or for the OCC.
An exceptional team of experienced recruitment captains, TRI/TRE and certified aviation psychologists with international military or airline industry experience.
Our Company
myCockpit GmbH was founded in April 2022 by an aviation psychologist and two experienced selection captains. The idea was simple, and the concept was quickly conceived: why not have a comprehensive selection process for smaller and medium flight operations that reflects the quality of complex assessments but only carries the costs and efficiency of a digital and slim design?
Our Experience
More than 60 years industry experience, flight crew training and pilot recruitment in more than 20 operators has shaped the idea and concept of myCockpit. The outcome is a revolutionary assessment process: slim, efficient, digital and regulatory compliant.

Each flight operator is unique, and so should be your recruitment and assessment strategy.

We will mutually identify your requirements and craft an online aviation assessment toolkit that matches your operational needs.
Phone: +49 9404 6439051