Declaration of Consent

Privacy Declaration, Liability Disclaimer, Confidentiality Obligation and Consent towards pilot selection procedure

mycockpit GmbH provides selection services on behalf of your prospective employer. During the assessment procedure mycockpit GmbH and its subcontractors (psychologist, Symbiotics Ltd, Hogrefe GmbH, furthermore all solely identified as “mycockpit GmbH”) will collect and process personal data by electronic means, solely for employment purpose in fulfillment of CR(EU) 965/2012 CAT.GEN.MPA.175(b) and its Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) compliant with the applicable European and German data protection law (GDPR/ BDSG/DSGVO/ DSG). These data may comprise:

  • personal data submitted during my application via electronic means in close cooperation with the prospective employer‘s Human Resources and/or Flight Operations department.
  • test data (psychometric and personality profile data) from the applicant in the course of assessment (e.g. Symbiotics/ADAPT test battery, NEO-PI-R personality profile report)
  • personal data, that might fall in special categories within the meaning of Art. 9 Abs. 1 DSGVO, like data concerning personality traits, personal attitudes in special cases, as well as, data concerning mental health, to the extend as such data are required by applicable law (e.g. CR(EU) (AMC1)CAT.GEN.MPA.175(b)) or Luftsicherheitsgesetz (LuftSIG).
  • Other personal data which are transmitted for assessment purposes between the Flight Operations Department of my prospective employer and mycockpit GmbH (e.g. Simulator Assessment report).

All personal data will be kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party except to the legally entitled officers of your prospective employer, and be latest erased after a period of 5 years after notice of termination of employment. I explicitly consent to the collection and processing of my personal data as described in this policy and release the offices of mycockpit GmbH and of the prospective employer from confidentiality obligations toward the legally entitled organs of the employing company or towards the authorities (e.g. audit from civil aviation authority, IATA or others). I may revoke this consent to that policy at any time with legal effect for the future.

I further declare that all information given during application and the assessment is true and complete and that he/she has not withheld any information that may affect the suitability for employment. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the prospective employer and mycockpit GmbH, and their officers from and against any claims of third parties resulting from any untrue or fraudulent falsification. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the prospective employer and mycockpit GmbH, and their officers from and against any claims of myself resulting from their contribution to the assessment unless acting grossly negligent or in a willful manner. I commit myself to keep all information and methodical data from the entire assessment strictly confidential and not to disclose any of such information to a third party, share or make available in any way. In the event of violations, I accept full responsibility for this: myCockpit GmbH will inform the prospective employer of the facts and immediately take civil and criminal measures. I shall reimburse myCockpit GmbH in full for the damage incurred.